Thursday, January 28, 2016

Survival of the Fittest at its Best

As parents we strive to teach our kids the best values , the best approach at life's challenges, and most of all try to protect them even when they are on their own . We can not be there for every decision to ensure they make the best/ safest one. We can not live there life for them . All we can do is teach them and pass on the knowledge and wisdom we have gained through our own struggles and short comings. There is just one problem........NATURAL FUCKING SELECTION!!!!!

What happens when survival of the fittest comes to play? The best/ brightest come out of the wood work but , don't be fooled by this, So does the dumbest/dimmest!

What the hell is wrong will kids these days? You have the duct tape challenge, dew shine ( not the actual mountain dew shine) , and kids holding each others arms and dangling off a building. These things are not exclusive to the United States, due to social media. The disease called , lackofcommonsenseatitis, and Dumbassatosis , spreads through the cables and engulfs the weak minded .

Let me explain!

The Duct Tape challenge .....

People are tied with Duct Tape  for three minutes, and in that time have to escape.  The challenge and reaction is recorded and the video posted to social media,  using the hashtag #ducttapechallenge.

Yeah , it doesn't sound that dangerous but, in recent news we heard about a teen that fell , hit his head , and ended up in the hospital with severe head injuries as well as others. 

Dew shine...

This is a mixture of Mountain Dew and racing fuel.

Not the actual Dew Shine produced by Mountain Dew

 Big difference!

Its obvious to most that only one of these is fit for human consumption. Yet again, there are those that just don't have the mental capacity to realize this. There are 4 deaths associated with this backyard rocket science experiment, so far.

That brings me to , hanging off of buildings. This is being done by teens in Russia. There is no name for this but it still makes this post because its right up there with the other two . I don't really think i have to explain this, it does that itself.

Just when you thought people where getting smarter and there was enough warning labels, natural selection takes a big bite! Lets face it the more we warn the riskier the attempts!

1 comment:

  1. I say get rid of the warning labels, reduce the liability laws, make people responsible for their own actions. If you stand on the top ladder rung and fall, so be it. If it smells like bleach, looks like bleach, and acts like bleach, its most likely bleach. If it smells that bad and you drink it,so be it.
    It's called natural selection for reason, it allows the rest of us to go through life without having to worry about morons doing something stupid, killing themselves and taking us with them.
    Perhaps nature knows best, the weak and stupid are eaten by the predators. This helps keep the strong genes strong.
    I believe the old saying is very important, stupid people should not reproduce.
