Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Opportunity Minus the Brain

We have all heard the sayings, " There's no time like the present" , Why do tomorrow , what you can do today", or as Nike states " just do it". These statements are all pro active and meant to get you going. I don't believe they are aimed at lazy people to become motivated or ambitious rather, aimed towards those that have these attributes and just required that little post it note of momentary inspiration before they dive in head first.

We see examples of this in good and bad decisions. You know, the momentary thought you have before you do something . For instances , I know  this needs to be done but....... well , "there's no time like the present" , and boom your off to the races and the task is complete. Great , right? Then there is the down side. I know I shouldn't be doing this but......... "just do it", and Oh shit I shouldn't have done that , ouch it hurts, am I bleeding , Is it bad ? You left looking stupid, as well as other emotions i sure, with a lasting physical memory of how you applied a simple statement to the  thought process. We now know what opportunity minus the brain looks like.

Guess what? Hidden between the lines underneath that motivation and ambitious attitude lies the secret message! 

Wait for it........wait for it....... oh there it is....."Do it right the first time " !

This is where those with brains fall into the "minus brain arena" . My job it to take information given to me and use it to supply more detailed information so an issue can be resolved . This is easy to do when the people providing the information stay in the positive end of having brains. Everything that needs to be resolved is, in an orderly and fluid like fashion. When they start to evade those ever so popular sayings , you know the ones mentioned in the beginning of this post, things start to become difficult. so you try will good intention and your best foot forward to retrieve the information you require and you find a cavity forming in the skull. As the person speaks you see this cavity grow larger . Then there is the reasoning why they don't have the information or why they can not give it to you at that moment so you can resolve the now pressing issue.

All this time goes by and without a good reason , retarding the fluid like process that maintains a productive day. The next time you or anyone else are working towards a goal or are resolving and issue make sure all hands on deck are vaccinated for short term cavityskullatitus!! Treatment also includes doing it right the first time!

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