All it takes is a simple accusation and wham , whoever is the focus of that wave is destroyed before any proof can be discovered. Why do I think we live in a backwards America? Actually many reasons but let me stay on this topic.
Remember this man? He was responsible for smiles all around the world. Not only for The Cosby show, other television appearances.and motion pictures, but also, the jello commercials , his stand up act, his voice overs , and most important his voice within the community . He has won many awards for the things he has accomplished in his lifetime. Don't believe me , google it , "Bill Cosby's awards". You will see the wide range of achievements.
Everything he did was clean , professional and never got to close to the line in the sand .
Now we see him like this. Due to recent accusations made by countless woman , he looks like this. They have launched the tidal wave that has stripped him of his smile and his achievements. This wave progresses with no proof and a long time in between then and now. Why wait so long? Oh yeah the dollar sign! That is what I believe at least. When someone that has more than you and has achieved a level of greatness that you may never get close to, they become an easy target . An even greater one if this kind of accusation has been made before . He has not chosen to settle out of court because that would imply guilt even if he never did the things they are saying. I am grateful that the prosecutor in his case has chosen to not proceed due to statute of limitations . These charges having not been brought years earlier, and focusing on a era when the drugs described were used wholesale in the Film business, are ridiculous anyway.
Here is where the backwards comes in.
Do you remember this guy? Of course you do he has been in the lime light for some time now. Not just for his reality show skill but for his physical status change. He was a great Olympian who achieved greatness. He did things that most of us have never done .
In recent times he has come into his own controversy but, this time there was proof. He was driving an SUV with trailer in tow , and failed to noticed that a car slowed in front of the car in front of him. With no hesitation or attempt to stop or braking he collided with the rear of the car in front of him. This vehicle then traveled into on coming traffic and into a hummer. Needless to say the driver died (most likely on impact). There is video footage of this from three different angles. More than enough proof. Well, here comes the dollar sign again in my opinion, he was not charge or arrested . How about that. He was allowed to roam free and make the biggest change of his life and be called courageous and a hero. That is only part of the backwardness. after some time the prosecutor in this case said they would not pursue the matter due to the ground being wet. This doesn't make sense due to the safety we are taught as drivers, to slow in wet or dangerous driving conditions. He is being sued by the families involved but that is a slap on the wrist for him considering money is no object.
This backward thinking has become a norm in today's society . Its sad that the dollar sign with a random set of digits behind it has become an acceptable form of punishment and justice. For Bill Cosby , he will never get his awards reinstated and his legacy with be tarnish forever and many will view this man in a different light. As for Bruce , Backwards America will continue to endorse his effort to throw money at things in hopes he does something for them. He will continue to live his new life and old life with an untarnished legacy .
I do and will always appreciate and look up to Bill Cosby and his life's work . As for Jenner, by what ever name he-she goes by I will not. Backward America needs to re evaluate its idea of a hero and stop promoting money hungry assholes that shit on our society.
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