Thursday, January 28, 2016

Survival of the Fittest at its Best

As parents we strive to teach our kids the best values , the best approach at life's challenges, and most of all try to protect them even when they are on their own . We can not be there for every decision to ensure they make the best/ safest one. We can not live there life for them . All we can do is teach them and pass on the knowledge and wisdom we have gained through our own struggles and short comings. There is just one problem........NATURAL FUCKING SELECTION!!!!!

What happens when survival of the fittest comes to play? The best/ brightest come out of the wood work but , don't be fooled by this, So does the dumbest/dimmest!

What the hell is wrong will kids these days? You have the duct tape challenge, dew shine ( not the actual mountain dew shine) , and kids holding each others arms and dangling off a building. These things are not exclusive to the United States, due to social media. The disease called , lackofcommonsenseatitis, and Dumbassatosis , spreads through the cables and engulfs the weak minded .

Let me explain!

The Duct Tape challenge .....

People are tied with Duct Tape  for three minutes, and in that time have to escape.  The challenge and reaction is recorded and the video posted to social media,  using the hashtag #ducttapechallenge.

Yeah , it doesn't sound that dangerous but, in recent news we heard about a teen that fell , hit his head , and ended up in the hospital with severe head injuries as well as others. 

Dew shine...

This is a mixture of Mountain Dew and racing fuel.

Not the actual Dew Shine produced by Mountain Dew

 Big difference!

Its obvious to most that only one of these is fit for human consumption. Yet again, there are those that just don't have the mental capacity to realize this. There are 4 deaths associated with this backyard rocket science experiment, so far.

That brings me to , hanging off of buildings. This is being done by teens in Russia. There is no name for this but it still makes this post because its right up there with the other two . I don't really think i have to explain this, it does that itself.

Just when you thought people where getting smarter and there was enough warning labels, natural selection takes a big bite! Lets face it the more we warn the riskier the attempts!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I Don't Care To Know

With all the breakthroughs in science and its many categories, and the benefits and non benefits they provide, I still don't care to know . Then there are the sayings , " you only live once" and " Life is too short " , and still I don't care to know.

I'm talking about knowing where it all started , where we come from , why we are here, where we are headed , and ultimately where do we go when we end and everyone else continues. I just don't care to really know. Why spend a lifetime, wondering if, we can looking around and enjoy whats here . The things that scientists didn't bring to life but, are just simply, here for science to wonder why. 

Walk outside and just listen , to the trees, the breeze that flows through them. Look up at the sky , and the clouds in it. 

.......Just look and listen..........Enjoy!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

I Don't Know if This Exists

We are currently having a snow storm here in New England . The usual cold , wet, icy , slick , don't leave your house kinda storm. 

While there are so many things you can do while the power is on , I had an idea while standing in the back porch just watching the snow fall and be blown in multiple directions . Heated driveway. Yes this only makes it easier to maneuver in that one location , in my plan it does much more. 

Have you ever seen the heating element on an electric griddle or home fryer? It's a solid piece of metal with and electrical plug on the end. If this was to be inserted into a tube with a not flammable fluid that would radiate heat and, would provide a sufficient amount to metal snow and ice accumulation on your driveway. Obviously we would have to provide numerous amount of styles and material for the portion you actually drive on. 

The heated tubes would be installed under the driveway material. Where does the water go you ask? I have a solution for that as well . The melted water would then flow into drains , installed at either side of the driveway. It would then be pumped into a storage container. In this container it would be filtered and sanitized to the point it becomes drinkable. This will eliminate the need for bottled water in the home . The excess water can be stored in an additional container for later use or for garden , etc , purposes. 

Yes I know it sounds expensive but if technology today can produce slim hand held computers , that we call cell phones , I'm sure the same people can devise a way to make this accessible to consumers. 

A smaller, home friendly, piece of technology everyone can afford !!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I Never Know What to Say

I'm 32 years old and have only  experienced close family death three times in my life. The first time  was when I was 4 , my uncle was killed by a drunk driver. He was eighteen years old . I was very close to him and he gave me my nickname. The second time was when I was 6, my cousin died . I don't remember how but he was only two years older than me . The third time was when I was 18 , my biological Grandfather died. He was an elderly man that had endured many medical issues.

I was really close to my uncle and my cousin but, not really close to my mothers father given the fact I didn't meet him until I was 15 and by that time he was more like a family patient rather than a grandfather. That's sounds kind of shitty but that's the truth. Being so young  I didn't really know what death was or how it effects people . I do miss my uncle and cousin very much and remember many moments that I had with them even if it was a short time.

I still don't know what it feels like to lose someone close to me that has been with me all my life. This leaves an unsettling feeling within me. What am I going to do say . How am I going to feel. Am ongoing to shut down or keep pushing forward with all the great memories. 

Since I lack the experience and knowledge, that this kind of natural occurrence brings , I am left speechless when others are going through it. I don't know what to say. I feel statements such as , i'm sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you, etc, are a little to common and easy to say and sound like you pulling words from a fifty cent hallmark card. People may mean these things with the utmost sincerity but, it just feels hollow.

I feel that , for me, I don't know what to say because in my mind i wish there was something i could do or discover that would change the situation for the better. As we all know, in many situations that can't happen, no matter how hard we try or search for that solution.

I know there will be a day that i go through the struggle of losing someone close to me and, it makes me uneasy. When that day comes I don't know what mind set it will lead me to. I just hope I can be the strongest of the bunch to support my loves ones.

Monday, January 11, 2016

New Generation of coffee Maker

We all enjoy that tasty cup of coffee . Hot or cold , flavored or not , its up to you . the problem is the abundance of options we have when it comes to making it. We have the brew and entire pot method which allows for bitter coffee the longer it sits or the ever so popular keurig method of buying k cups and brewing one cup at a time. Then there are the many different flavor varieties, great right?

Here's the thing with all the ways we can do this, there is still a better way that has yet to be explored. The scientific method for making coffee. Since there have been many enhancements in the field of food science , one in particular the ability to combine through breeding seeds of different plants to produce a fruit that looks like one thing but taste like another. For example the, Peacotums (Peach/Plum/Apricot), Blood limes (Red Finger Lime/Ellendale Mandarin), and Plumcot ( Plum/Apricot). These are just a few examples. Another examples of the food industries scientific breeding is the cotton candy grape.


Blood Lime


Now if we can do this with Fruit and other foods , surely we can find a way to do this with coffee. How about a Coffee Cow? Think about it , pre creamed coffee that you can get by the cup or Carafe , straight from the cow. My idea would be that scientists produce a genetically modified cow , that would be fed different kinds of coffee beans, depending on roast preference, and a multitude of flavors. After the cow ingest the ingredients , its body would produce already creamed coffee in the flavor you chose , straight from the teet . All you have to do is add sugar, warm up, or add ice. It all depends on how you like your coffee.

This idea can transcend through out the dairy world. Flavored milk, whipping creams, ice cream , dessert cheeses ( so there is an actual dessert cheese not the fancy cheeses that the french have after dinner ), etc. 

I'm not scientist, farmer, or barista, so a detailed process will not be available through me. I'm Just providing an idea for the future. So like the astronauts from the Apollo 13 mission , we have to figure out how to fit a square peg in a round hole . Lets make it work!!

This, plus

This, replaces 

This , and gives you 

This ! Fresh from the Teet!

Instead of stuffy coffee shops filled with tech mined people absorbed by a screen, or a creamery that just serves ice cream while listening to whinny children, get it all at ounce. Take your kids to coffee cow! You gather your flavors and the kids can enjoy feeding them to the cows and you reap the benefits of happy kids and fresh coffee!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

What's The Point?

Have you ever sat down to relax have dinner and watch a little tv? Of course you have because , that's the best way to wind down from a busy day.

When your watching your favorite show its bound to be interrupted by the many many many commercials selling something. Commercials that are preparing you for new shows or episodes of existing shows and also the news . 

Then you have the most annoying , and longest commercials of all. Medicine! New drugs, old drugs, they are all  the same. Don't take or check with your doctor........if your taking , have , or may become, a never ending list of things that most people have , are taking, and most likely will become . 

Why don't they just say , hey we have a new drug with a new name that may or may not help you if you have , are taking , or may become, anything between now and forever . Then end with , side effects maybe anything between life and death! 

This will ensure a 60 to 120 second commercial and we will get back to what we want to watch faster!!

Backwards America

It seems to me that we live in a world ruled by the dollar sign. I say it this way because the amount can change but the dollar symbol remains. The scary part is , it's allowed and it doesn't matter what is torn to shreds in its wake.

 All it takes is a simple accusation and wham , whoever is the focus of that wave is destroyed before any proof can be discovered. Why do I think we live in a backwards America? Actually many reasons but let me stay on this topic. 

Remember this man? He was responsible for smiles all around the world. Not only for The Cosby show, other television appearances.and motion pictures, but also, the jello commercials , his stand up act, his voice overs , and most important his voice within the community . He has won many awards for the things he has accomplished in his lifetime. Don't believe me , google it , "Bill Cosby's awards". You will see the wide range of achievements.
 Everything he did was clean , professional and never got to close to the line in the sand . 

Now we see him like this. Due to recent accusations made by countless woman , he looks like this. They have launched the tidal wave that has stripped him of his smile and his achievements. This wave progresses with no proof and a long time in between then and now. Why wait so long? Oh yeah the dollar sign! That is what I believe at least. When someone that has more than you and has achieved a level of greatness that you may never get close to, they become an easy target . An even greater one if this kind of accusation has been made before . He has not chosen to settle out of court because that would imply guilt even if he never did the things they are saying. I am grateful that the prosecutor in his case has chosen to not proceed due to statute of limitations . These charges having not been brought years earlier, and focusing on a era when the drugs described were used wholesale in the Film business, are ridiculous anyway.

Here is where the backwards comes in.

Do you remember this guy? Of course you do he has been in the lime light for some time now. Not just for his reality show skill but for his physical status change. He was a great Olympian who achieved greatness. He did things that most of us have never done .

 In recent times he has come into his own controversy but, this time there was proof. He was driving an SUV with trailer in tow , and failed to noticed that a car slowed in front of the car in front of him. With no hesitation or attempt to stop or braking he collided with the rear of the car in front of him. This vehicle then traveled into on coming traffic and into a hummer. Needless to say the driver died (most likely on impact). There is video footage of this from three different angles. More than enough proof. Well, here comes the dollar sign again in my opinion, he was not charge or arrested . How about that. He was allowed to roam free and make the biggest change of his life and be called courageous and a hero. That is only part of the backwardness. after some time the prosecutor in this case said they would not pursue the matter due to the ground being wet. This doesn't make sense due to the safety we are taught as drivers, to slow in wet or dangerous driving conditions. He is being sued by the families involved but that is a slap on the wrist for him considering money is no object. 

This backward thinking has become a norm in today's society . Its sad that the dollar sign with a random set of digits behind it has become an acceptable form of punishment and justice. For Bill Cosby , he will never get his awards reinstated and his legacy with be tarnish forever and many will view this man in a different light. As for Bruce , Backwards America will continue to endorse his effort to throw money at things in hopes he does something for them. He will continue to live his new life and old life with an untarnished legacy .

I do and will always appreciate and look up to Bill Cosby and his life's work . As for Jenner, by what ever name he-she  goes by I will not. Backward America needs to re evaluate its idea of a hero and stop promoting money hungry assholes that shit on our society.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

This is How I Pad Thai...

The rebirth of the soul in a new body.

There are many religions that believe in reincarnation . If it is in fact the true answer to what happens to the soul when we pass then I think I may be the product of it. I love cooking ! Being 100% Puerto Rican , American born, you would think I would be excellent with Latino and American cuisine. All though I am good with those cuisines , I have a gift when it comes to Asian food . For example this is how I Pad Thai!!

 Not to brag but it's really good!!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Tough Terrain Tough kids, Soft Terrain Soft kids

Do you remember when you were a kid and every playground you went to was like a mini boot camp obstacle course. No plastic or rubber , simply wood and metal. No rubber chips or all weather rubber terrain , just sand and gravel. sounds harsh but those were the good old days that made kids tough and strong , not sensitive and weak.

Lets compare the 1980's playground to the 2000's!

 Remember the heat of the metal on a nice sunny day and the feel of your skin screeching down the
 slide, if you were wearing anything  less than pants.

No need for weight distribution , we had balance and strong arms to hold on with!

Better hold tight because that fall will hurt. First lesson in the art of balance and control.

Oh look a plastic slide with a soft rubber landing . The illusion that there is no struggle or pain and 
always a soft landing.

Look at all those pretty colors . Just prepping your kids to ask you to go to an amusement park to spend a bunch of money and not appreciate  what you have.

Look at all of these things combined . Its like a utopia . no friction, no worry , pretty colors and the false sense that it will all be okay.

1980's, The feel of cold steel that rusted and coarse wood complete with splinters. All preparations for different levels of pain. This left no surprises for pain in the future . We learned from it and moved on. It helped shape us to work hard and work through the toughest of jobs. It made pro sports fun to watch . 2000's, There are many kids now, spoiled by the safety nets provided when they are younger. Not saying I want kids to get injured and I like to see them in pain but, rather be tough and keep going when things get difficult or they are in a minor bit of pain. Now people want more money but don't want the hard work, just look at pro athletes. many keep working through the pain and earn their paychecks. Then their are those that say ouch it hurts and need a week for a bruise or a minor sprain. I Believe that the softer the playgrounds have become, the softer our kids get and the weaker the adult they produce.

Wait for it.....

See the difference?

Learn to Live With Yourself

A long time ago I learned a lesson that changed how I lived and do things. I learned to live myself . I learned it the hard way which is usual for me  but, I still learned. We all have that need to have someone to love and be there when we need someone to lean on. Many people fail to understand that we must do this for ourselves first.

I could use the cliche saying, I've been through a lot in my life but, that part is obvious , that's life. I struggle with depression for a while , having total hate for myself. Yeah I tried three times to get out of here , each time showing progress but ultimately failing. I don't regret these times because they only made me that much more aware and mentally stronger.

After the third time it was like something switched on with in me . I had to try harder, and achieve every goal. I had to accept the kind of person I wanted to be and not who I was at the time (obviously who I was and the character I was forming wasn't working). I had to stop being ignorant to how I was thinking and the things I was doing and acknowledge that a change had to happen. This had to start with me.

Nothing and no one truly fits into our life until we learn to live with ourselves. I'm talking about getting yourself to a better place mentally ( Physically too but this starts in your mind), and eventually love yourself for who you have become. Then you learn to change the things you can change and accept the things you cannot. You learn to not worry about what may come and take care of the things that are NOW. You become an active member of your own life and anything or anyone that impedes that effort needs to be limited or completely cut off. For me it was people, places, habits, etc. You get a better sense of priority and the surprises that life bring are much easier to handle.

We have become stronger and stand on our own . We need not the validation that we are making  the right choices , because we have taken the steps to do it on our own. we can lean on ourselves in times we are down. no more messes means no more clean up.

I'm writing this post because of recent insight from a study I have been doing for the past 7.5 years. ( please know that this is just an example, not me taking shots on my ex wife ) This study is based on my ex wife. You can say she revived my Learn to live with myself process when her own pattern got in the mix and she cheated on me and decided she wanted someone else. We have a daughter together so, for that reason I have access to many things in her life. I have watched her bring many men into her life and create mess after mess. None of these messes ever get fully cleaned up. Unfortunately my daughter had to experience this too. Her pattern has cause real visual effects for her. She stays with someone two years when there is no child with that individual. When she has a child with them, she decides to quit when the child is around 1.5 years old and wastes no time getting into another relationship.

This horrible process that she continues to follow has left her in a place that is the exact opposite of living with herself. She is not happy with how she is physically, constantly searching for the approval and validation of others. When you no longer have what she wants she gets rid of you, this includes friends and family. she is easily shaken by the daily surprises of life. These things have led her to mold her character into something hideous. She is very vain, selfish, narcissistic, and ignorant to what is actually happening, all of these things include my daughter . All of these things hold her in a pattern of an unhealthy life that will produce the same results every time. There are many burned bridges in her life . The does not only affect my daughter but, all those left in her mother wake.

This is no way to live . There is no true happiness there. No true love, it cannot survive because like a house with a weak foundation there is nothing to support it.  We must all strive to live with ourselves, even if we choose to be strong on our own for the entirety of of lives.