Friday, December 11, 2015

A Little word Math...

Lets start with some definitions. I believe these words have an impact on the society today especially now with all the commotion in Europe and in the United States.


  • Having concern for or helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people .
  • Of or relating to ethical or theological humanitarianism.

  • A fair , objective , and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions , beliefs and practices that differ from ones own.


  • The body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc. that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group.


  • complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
  • strong belief in God or in doctrines of religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

  • Any war carried on under papal sanction. 

  • A holy war undertaken as a sacred duty by Muslims.
  • Any vigorous , emotional crusade for and idea or principal.

  • An act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy , especially by an army.
  • An incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.

Here comes the word math!! 
Humanitarian (100%) + Tolerance (100%) = People that are submissive, easily subdued, and controllable!  That's a detrimental combination to individuals and societies!
I am all for helping others and being tolerant but not 100% to the point were myself , family, or country could be effected by it. I do not believe in pushing my views , or opinions onto others , because it is our God given right to choose who or what we believe or do not believe. Given that choice you expect to have the same treatment in return but, this is not so. 

On to our next equation !
Jihad / Crusade + Ideology + Faith = Invasion

Jihad originates from Muslim language, its only origin. Crusade originates from Latin and has changed spelling along the way but, has basically the same meaning as Jihad. Ideology and Faith go hand in hand when ever you see them they are soul mates. Without faith ideology is just a thought. ( That how I feel about it). 

These words play a big part in today's society , 2015. They are used often, loosely, and defined by few. This can be due to ignorance or just simply wanting to sound like you know what you are talking about. Then there are those that choose to use these words because they understand the meanings. They are often used when talking about , what is being called, a refugee crisis. I don't know about you but I see an invasion. 

With it, comes not only a potential terrorist threat but, a cultural threat. Understand that that is not simply about ideology but rather, what it carries. Strong faith and different laws originating from that ideology (An un reformed ideology, at least in the countries that live by it). 
The refugee crisis has a clear agenda , with a specific destination, and that is to anywhere Islam is not practiced , especially the western civilizations. They want to overwhelm western society with their culture and eventually diminish the number of non Muslims to the point of no return. 

With the understanding that it may not be all of them , it is something that the leaders of there faith and within their ranks have expressed and is a large part of their belief system. These are the same people that the 100 percentors ( the 100% humanitarian + 100% tolerance people) want to resettle here in the United states. 

Their agenda is clear and may not be carried out through violence but that is one of many ways they have expressed it . You don't see these things on the everyday news, but do get the idea that they would do the same for us. This i don't find true. Their ideology is taught and carried out through youg and old. don't believe me?  check out these links below, then tell me how you feel!

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