Thursday, December 24, 2015

Working Dec 24th...What it Looks Like!

Their  are many who have to work Christmas Eve so, i'm not going to complain. I'm sure we all look like this right about now:

Yeah pretty much everyone in the shop!!

 This is so much fun today, I will re-calibrate my mouse!

 I'll get up...later punch out!!

Maybe if i cover my eyes, count to ten, the clock with say 3!!

After a while we all get to this moment:

HA HA HA .... Fuck It!!!

You find things to do like, YouTube, blogging ( for example this post), using google translate to hear what different funny sayings sound like in other languages , etc.

Or you get off your ass and this happens:

That's what i'm about to do, as soon as I hit publish!!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Just a Thought on God

For about a week now, God has been a theme of several conversation. One conversation was involving science and another family traditions . Both conversations leaving me with the same thoughts and feelings .

It's is said that God has a plan for all of our lives . Some say it's even perfect . According to the Bible , it's God will. 

If this is so , why give us the power to choose? I don't get offended when someone says God has a plan for me because I believe it . I just want to know why so many people think it's always the happiest or the one that ends up with us in heaven? Think about something. If he knows what we are going to say, do , think , etc. before we do then I feel that not all plans leads to the happiest of conclusions. Yes it is more likely that you will end up, as promised , in heaven if you live a Godly life according to his will. 

I live my life trying to be the best me I can , like most people. I'm kind , and respectful tho those that deserve it. I try my best to be a great example for my children and work hard to make sure they have everything they need , while balancing their wants . In short , I'm not a lazy douche bag that hurts others to get what he wants and doesn't care . 

I don't want to live my life constantly feeling that I'm not good enough or that I'm going to help because I'm not perfect . I'm happy being me and if in the end when it's time for my judgement God will be the one to do it and I will accept what he gives me because that is what I have earned . 

One more thing.....

To those that like to spread the word of God just remember that he has instructed you to deliver his word and if people don't want to hear it or accept it , you should just keep moving. Don't become a Bible thumping , oppressive, psycho religious fanatic!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Santa Versus Krampus

Well its that time of year again and , we are all ready for the festivities! This year is just a little different . Different because we are introduced to a new holiday character, Krampus!! Yes the legend , myth, story, of this not so jolly beast of Christmas, has been around for years but, not some much here in the U.S. Due to movie magic , we will be not only be educated but, have a visual aid as well. Check out the link below:

Santa ClausSaint NicholasSaint NickFather ChristmasKris KringleSanty, or simply Santa is a figure with legendary, historical and folkloric origins who, in many Western cultures, is said to bring gifts to the homes of good children on 24 December, the night before Christmas Day. The modern figure of Santa Claus is derived from the British figure of Father Christmas, the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas, and Saint Nicholas, the historical Greek bishop and gift-giver of Myra.

In Austro-Bavarian Alpine folkloreKrampus is a horned,anthropomorphic figure who, during the Christmas season, punishes children who have misbehaved, in contrast with Saint Nicholas, who rewards the well-behaved with gifts. Regions in Austria feature similar figures and, more widely, Krampus is one of a number of Companions of Saint Nicholas in regions of Europe. The origin of the figure is unclear; some folklorists and anthropologists have postulated a pre-Christian origin for the figure 

Who would you like sliding down your chimney ?

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Round of Applause for Google

I have to say, google does a great job highlighting things with their search page. From historical events, seasons, characters, people, etc, google sheds lights on it all. Some are still and others are small stories that start with just one click. Here are a few examples.

John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie was an American jazz trumpeter, bandleader, composer and occasional singer.

            Frida Kahlo de Rivera, born Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderón, was a Mexican painter who is best known for her self-portraits.


Martin Luther King, March in Selma

D.C. Comics super heros

Winter time

Harriet Tubman was an African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, and, during the American Civil War, a Union spy.

While these are all wonderful tributes , there newest one is my favorite. Not only can you click on it and it becomes animated, it is also interactive! It takes you on a short journey through some of Ludwig Van Beethoven's greatest works. 

Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music, he remains one of the most famous and influential of all composers.

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Movies Got it All Wrong... The Zombies are Here!

The year is 2015 ! There have been technological advances ranging from machine to Humans! Lets talk about cars and cellular phones , since they are two  of the most important pieces of technology in our life .

  • We can use it to pay for things by entering our card info and waiving it at a machine
  • We can look up people , places , things, and information important to us
  • They can scan our finger print , and track where are, have been, and are going
  • We can even send an emoji to order pizza 
  • etc.
  • On board monitors that detect terrain and adjust accordingly 
  • Brake assist that helps us slow the vehicle or even stop it from having an accident
  • Lane departure warning , just in case you find your self tired and start moving into another lane
  • On board monitors that detect other vehicles when changing lanes
  • Night vision , for when you are on those dark roads and Bambi decides to take his family for a stroll
  • Improve prosthetic for every mobility need
  • Hearing implants , so the deaf can hear for the first time
  • Replacement body parts such as knees and things
  • etc.
Wait...wait...wait... While all this is fine and dandy, we still have a problem! The movies got it wrong. Where are the machines with advanced A.I. taking over the world , or time travelers trying to stop it?? What happen to apes suddenly being able to talk , and getting pissed and killing us all. Where is the disease that brings us back from the dead and hungry for flesh ?? 

Yes this is a comic book character but it still works!

While technology has helped us greatly, especially with communication, it has made the human race that much dumber!! welcome to the 2015 and forward,  Zombie apocalypse ! I know , not what you expected it to be right? 

They are everywhere you go. Roaming the street , stores, and hallways where you work. Constantly in a state of unawareness . They even drive cars , which makes the advancements and safety features pretty much useless. Give it time and it will all look like this .


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Useless Sayings and Things I find untrue...

There are countless sayings used everyday . Some that make sense and some that don't . Some that may make sense but do not belong in sentence when referring to the human race.

Last week I heard two of these sayings and for some reason in put some thoughts in my head. 

The first was " he's trying to ruffle my feathers " . Yeah it's a common saying but did you ever really think about it? Feathers have a function much more than just showing irritation. If humans had them , most of us would walk around like an electrocuted down pillows. Birds have feathers for warmth , protection , flying, water resistance , etc. like all animals they use them for survival and are satisfied with just living and having what they need and nothing more. Humans are never satisfied totally. We strive everyday for more and when we hit a goal we set another or we even set the bar to high. With feathers , we as humans , would always be Ruffled.

The second saying was , " he needs to grow up" . This to me is a useless attempt to insult another but , is virtually impossible because the aging process is different for everyone. I'm not talking about aging as the unit of measure we use, rather, the aging process that happens due to experience , aquisition of knowledge, and the ability to process mistakes or short comings to obtain a desired experience and knowledge .

I heard it said that we inherit the sins of our parents and we are a product of our environment . I don't find these statements to be true. Given the fact that we all have the power to choose. Though struggles may be similar , this is where the aging process differs when we allow our " feathers" to be ruffled. 

Imagine a hole in the earth much like a well ( no this is not a reference to the movie the ring) . At the bottom is shallow water and at the very top is level ground , grass , and sunshine . Now think of this hole as the many stages of your life . The top being a perfect life . There is no metaphor for death in this explanation because , let's face it , we can't escape and we don't know when it will arrive.

Let's start at the bottom or zero, this being birth. You are in the most important stage of life and , your well , like everyone else's has shallow water in it at this point . Keep in mind water is important for all living things . Without it we die . In this explanation the water you provide is what gets you to the top. At zero you are fully dependent  on others for all things . As you get older let's say years one through four the water in your well decreases as you learn to do things on your own . You are taking the dirt from the side walls and mixing it into the water , this is mud. The mud will eventually dry and become stronger than regular dirt and this is called experience and knowledge . The experiment and knowledge that drives you up. The faster this happens the faster your mind ages . For some this takes longer .

Now we hit age five . Now depending on how much experience and knowledge we gained our mental age may be older that actual age. At five things get interesting because now we have school , friends and loads of activities to learn. Our well has more water in it again and is taking a little longer to dry into that experience and knowledge base that we need to move up. We start to learn how to interact with each other. With all that fun and learning we get to twelve .

At twelve we have more water because now the experience and knowledge is tougher to obtain. We now concern ourselves with other people's water . I call this bullshit shit! We also have puberty and all that comes with it. This gets us to sixteen . This is where the mud at the bottom has to dry before you move up. The catch is , with all the concerns you have at this point not all of them are yours. You begin to take on the concerns of others ( their bullshit) which is their water. 

This continues , heavily until about twenty five to twenty six years old. Don't forget the obvious , getting your license , becoming a legal adult, and legally being able to drink. Like I said before your mental age might be older than your actual age at this point so this time period may be easier to deal with. 

As all this is happening you are getting closer to the top of your well , while some may be higher up even though you are the same age . Or further behind . 

At twenty five/ twenty six , you have a big decision to make . Do you keep messing around stalling progress or do you become an actual adult and continue the journey up. Which means you have to take a good look at yourself and decide if certain personality traits need to be given up. You know the ones that are detrimental to upward progress . This needs to happen now before they become part of your character and they are either not changeable or require much time to change. The best part is , with every choice comes water to create mud to create knowledge to move up. Better than that is , the fact that eventually this knowledge becomes wisdom.

We never reach the top of the well to the point we are on level ground . That would be utopia ! 

There is a reason Martin Luther King Jr. Wanted the character of a person to be looked at rather than what's on the surface. 

Friday, December 11, 2015

You Will Be There One Day...

I went to the post office today after work and as expected there was a little bit of a line . There were two people taking care of customers and one probably running some kind of report but, that's not really important. As I stood in line and patiently waited, there was an older women there , probably about mid to late eighties , I figure this because I heard her say she remembers Pearl Harbor and voting for Eisenhower . The post office worker was making small talk with her while he took care of her. They talked about , obviously , the past presidents and remembering parts of history that many forget or don't bother to learn. 

This was amazing to me because today in 2015 we as a society want and do everything fast and don't stop to really have those kind of moments with older generations . We rather find them annoying because they are in our way and some how slow down our life and end up blaming them if something goes wrong later . 

Maybe I'm different or weird but I found it comforting to see and hear them talking. It showed me more than ever that real history , the important history comes through those that lived it or were around to see it. They know things that we quickly forget. 

We all have to take a moment to slow down and enjoy the history and knowledge that the older generations have . Those are the experiences you will never see or hear online, because they don't hold the emotion that comes with it. So just remember when you see or hear an older generation having a quick moment of joy because a younger person shows interest don't get frustrated , get involved . Remember you will be there one day and I hope someone shows you the time of day to learn about where you were in time and how it could have or has shaped your presence and future!

A Little word Math...

Lets start with some definitions. I believe these words have an impact on the society today especially now with all the commotion in Europe and in the United States.


  • Having concern for or helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people .
  • Of or relating to ethical or theological humanitarianism.

  • A fair , objective , and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions , beliefs and practices that differ from ones own.


  • The body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc. that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group.


  • complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
  • strong belief in God or in doctrines of religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

  • Any war carried on under papal sanction. 

  • A holy war undertaken as a sacred duty by Muslims.
  • Any vigorous , emotional crusade for and idea or principal.

  • An act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy , especially by an army.
  • An incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.

Here comes the word math!! 
Humanitarian (100%) + Tolerance (100%) = People that are submissive, easily subdued, and controllable!  That's a detrimental combination to individuals and societies!
I am all for helping others and being tolerant but not 100% to the point were myself , family, or country could be effected by it. I do not believe in pushing my views , or opinions onto others , because it is our God given right to choose who or what we believe or do not believe. Given that choice you expect to have the same treatment in return but, this is not so. 

On to our next equation !
Jihad / Crusade + Ideology + Faith = Invasion

Jihad originates from Muslim language, its only origin. Crusade originates from Latin and has changed spelling along the way but, has basically the same meaning as Jihad. Ideology and Faith go hand in hand when ever you see them they are soul mates. Without faith ideology is just a thought. ( That how I feel about it). 

These words play a big part in today's society , 2015. They are used often, loosely, and defined by few. This can be due to ignorance or just simply wanting to sound like you know what you are talking about. Then there are those that choose to use these words because they understand the meanings. They are often used when talking about , what is being called, a refugee crisis. I don't know about you but I see an invasion. 

With it, comes not only a potential terrorist threat but, a cultural threat. Understand that that is not simply about ideology but rather, what it carries. Strong faith and different laws originating from that ideology (An un reformed ideology, at least in the countries that live by it). 
The refugee crisis has a clear agenda , with a specific destination, and that is to anywhere Islam is not practiced , especially the western civilizations. They want to overwhelm western society with their culture and eventually diminish the number of non Muslims to the point of no return. 

With the understanding that it may not be all of them , it is something that the leaders of there faith and within their ranks have expressed and is a large part of their belief system. These are the same people that the 100 percentors ( the 100% humanitarian + 100% tolerance people) want to resettle here in the United states. 

Their agenda is clear and may not be carried out through violence but that is one of many ways they have expressed it . You don't see these things on the everyday news, but do get the idea that they would do the same for us. This i don't find true. Their ideology is taught and carried out through youg and old. don't believe me?  check out these links below, then tell me how you feel!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sometimes just reading something isn't good enough!

Like most , I enjoy social medias ability to reach many around the world with just a few clicks.  One thing that gets to me though is the ignorance that is behind some of the things that get posted. Now, i'm not saying all of it has to be perfect or totally factual but, at least read what you post before you post it, especially if you are siting historical quotes.

I have seen at least three post about President Theodore Roosevelt's view of immigration , in reference to the current situation with the refugees coming from the middle east and other countries. Its being used to spread the view that , as Americans we must allow refugees to come live here in the United States, to escape there countries of origin.  I think some people miss read or just lack in reading comprehension skills, because you miss a very important word.
Check it out:

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates  himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Did you see it ? This word is the most important word in this entire statement ! In case you missed it , the word is assimilate. Here is the definition :


    :to learn (something) so that it is fully understood and can be used
    :to cause (a person or group) to become part of a different society, country, etc.
    :to adopt the ways of another culture : to fully become part of a different society, 
    country, etc.

    If you have followed this invasion migration from the start you would have heard this word before . Middle Eastern leaders themselves have used it , in regards to why their countries are not accepting refugees. Don't believe me? Click the links below.
In regards to having refugees resettled here in the U.S.A., It is important to realize , even though they do not have to give up their faith , they do have to abide by our laws. (If you have knowledge of how things are done over there you would know that their laws are drastically different from ours)
How can we, as a country volunteer to support thousands of refugees when we have a hard time taking care of our own
Finally there is also the threat of Islamic Extremist camouflaged among the mass movement of migrants across the world. For me the issue of migrant acceptance is not about religion , nationality , or ethnicity, its about protecting our nation and its citizens, if that means we say no to refugees, then so be it.  I am an American, born and raised in this country, I will raise my children here, and no where else . I believe in the pursuit of happiness as long as its done with respect for the law and your fellow Americans. If you elect to come here to pursue these things then it should be done as a member of this society, not as a member of another country who just happens to be residing in and receiving the benefits of a host country. To Assimilate, to become one with, to support and defend. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Bright idea and thank you!

This is my first of many posts. Apparently I have a lot of opinions and feelings on various topics and often share them with family , friends , and more so with my co workers especially my boss. with that said, while sharing one of these thoughts / opinions/ feelings he suggested I start a blog. Him being an avid blogger , I thought this was a great idea , so with his encouragement , I began to think of titles . As you can see I got it, of course with the help from my boss. All that's left to be said now is thank you!
Check out his work !