Monday, May 23, 2016


Everyone knows about DHSWLAAS Syndrome. Its something that at least one person you know suffers from. Its no less dangerous than drugs and alcohol. It is , Don't Hear Shit While Looking At A Screen Syndrome.

As you can see this is the ear . All these little part allow us to hear a large range of sounds . We have the ability to hear a variety of different sounds. We can alter this in a few ways . Ear plugs, which are put in place to protect the ear . Headphones that are used for entertainment and if used improperly can cause damage. Then there is DHSWLAAS. Now keep in mind that some people were not born with or have had experiences that have caused them to no longer have the ability to hear . This syndrome does not apply to them. 

Here is how this syndrome works. The ear uses vibration to process sound and send it shooting down the auditory tube to your brain to be identified. Ear plugs soften the vibration of loud noise and cancel out the vibration of soft sounds. Headphones provide there own sound that cancels out all noise but, sometimes having them up to loud can do damage. DHSWLAAS is different. It cancels out all sound while still allowing vibration. It does this by placing an invisible barrier in front of the auditory canal.
This effects people that use any device with a screen. Its not all people and in many cases the severity is different . This also occurs more with cellular  phone screens more then other devices.

So if you suffer from this syndrome I suggest you limit your time in front of a screen or see a doctor. This disease effects more than just your plans for the day. It can effect your family , your job, and if it occurs in a motor vehicle , you can seriously injury some one or cause their death . So please pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.

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