Monday, April 25, 2016

Not to sound evil but....

One of my biggest pet peeves while driving is pedestrians . Don't get me wrong Its not all the people walking around that bothers me. I understand that many of us don't have a vehicle or choose to walk . I also understand that they have somewhere to be whether its work or other adventures. I'm talking about a specific type of pedestrian . The zombie pedestrian, slow walking , immune to the world around them, common senseless pedestrians.

These people...

We live in a world , where info travels at light speed all over the world . No one misses a beat. So we all have seen the many PSA about driving while texting . You know, the ones where people raise a card with the last text that the person driving sent, the reason they died. 

Even though we are all well prepared with the knowledge of what texting and driving can do , there are still those that miss the memo. 

I think there should be an additional PSA for the Zombie pedestrian. I see a pedestrian in the cross walk and i slow down and let them cross safely. When a zombie pedestrain decides to answer a call or text while walking across the street it make you think why did I stop . so my suggestion for a zombie pedestrian PSA would be a little different. 

I would open with a car moving through a city street or a parking lot . The driver is fully aware of the surroundings. They let people cross , and they get to a cross walk and spot the zombie pedestrian. The drive slows to a stop and instead of waiting nails the gas with their head out the window yelling. The screen would go black and slowly letter by letter a message is revealed and you can see what the driver is yelling.

"Your next text should be your not going to make it......"

In today's society tensions are always running high and you maybe that lucky zombie pedestrian that gets the guy or girl that is having a bad day and could care less. So beware and cross the damn street!!!

What do you think a needed PSA?

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