As if this wasn’t bad enough we have sexual misconduct allegations . Some of this countries most influential men have been accused of really shitty things. I understand that some of the claims have been proven or confessed to but ....... does anyone else notice that something is wrong ????
There is not one woman on that list . Women are just as bad as men yet, there isn’t a single woman being called out !! I see this as a problem. One , you have claims that have reached there expiration date long before now . Two , the fields that these men come from are all from influential industries.
Who’s pulling the strings ? I feel like there is more to these allegations than just righting a wrong . I’m all for people seeking justice and getting it but, something seems off . Don’t get me wrong . I’m all for gender equality but, you have to do the work , and put in the time . Also, keeping up with the demands you have to be consistent . I heard and ad on the radio talking about selective service and how it’s every young mans duty to sign up ! HELLO ITS 2017 WHERE THE FUCK WAS THE GENDER EQUALITY IN THAT !!! I feel the same thing kind of applies with the allegations ! The media is making it seem that only powerful males can commit such horrible acts . Yet no one that I’ve heard or seen in the field of media, has questioned why only men are being called out ! I don’t want there to be more drama and I do NOT hate women but, why do we make women feel safe to come forward but , keep the male standard of your not a man if you talk ?
I think that the men out there that have faced the same things as these women in these fields need to come forward and speak up .
In no way shape or form and I saying that the women coming forward are all wrong . I think there should be an expiration date on claims . I’m also not saying that they are lying . The truth will come out and I hope they get the appropriate justice . I’m simply saying that it can not be men only , that’s impossible . Also, people need to watch careful and weed out the fact from bullshit because the accusation alone can ruin someone’s life ,Even if proven to be inocent .
Oh and if we are gunna hold these men accountable for what they allegedly did then maybe we should be consistent and hold the president accountable to his admitted actions !
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