Monday, March 21, 2016

Sometimes the breeze is all you need ..........and Then....

The other day I was sitting outside on the back porch smoking a cigarette just taking in the surrounding sounds . It reminded me of a time when I used to sit on a bench at the beach and listen and watch the waves . This time it was bamboo that is growing in the backyard. Yes, its a pain in the ass plant, that that is very hard to get rid of but , it has a unique appeal. 

Just sit back and watch how it moves with the breezes .Listen to how the wind gently caresses each leaf and the gently creaking of the bamboo as it dances . 

.......and then......

Its all ruined by the messy white shit that falls from the sky in the wrong season!!

There goes the nice sound of the breeze  and gentle creaking . Instead you get the sound of globs of snow dropping as it melts and the cracking of bamboo as it snaps from the weight of the snow! so much for relaxing!

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